Youth United for Community Action

Youth United for Community Action

Youth United for Community Action is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization.

"Locked out of the legal means of material survival, looked down upon by predatory politicians and police, left with the least relevant educational opportunities, talked at with contempt and not talked to with love-- is there any question why such youth are alienated?... 

They look at the lives they live and see not "civil rights progress", but a drumbeat of civil repression by a state at war with their dreams.

Why the surprise?

This is not the lost generation....

They are the children of the L.A. rebellion, the children of the MOVE bombing, the children of the Black Panthers, and the grandchildren of Malcolm; far from lost, they are probably the most aware generation since Nat Turner's; they are not so much lost as they are mislaid, discarded by this increasingly racist system that undermines their inherent worth. They are all potential revolutionaries, with the historical power to transform our dull realities.

If they are lost, find them." 
Mumia Abu Jamal -- Journalist, Black Panther, Political Prisoner



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OUr future matters (ofm)

Our main goal for education or Our Future Matters campaign is to transform harsh/punitive disciplinary approaches in local schools that target students of color and non-English speakers and move towards more healing and restorative practices.

Climate Resilience


Sustainable practices have been our resilient approaches to poverty and practiced by our community long before recycling and upcycling were well know terms. We want to build upon our people’s successful assets and strengthen our interdependent community, offer opportunities for sustainable living, and continue to develop leaders.